Project Experience - Investigative Derived Waste Disposal

Client: United States Navy

United States Marine Corps
Private Client
Location: Marine Corps Logistics Base, Albany, GA
Project Cost:      $19,000 IDW Waste Drums

Project Description                          

AECS was contracted by a private client on behalf of the US Navy to dewater, stabilize, transport, and dispose of 162 55-gallon drums of Investigative Derived Waste (IDW) from a drilling project at the US Marine Corps Logistics Base in Albany, GA.  AECS inspected all the drums, dewatered as necessary those containing an excess of water and stabilized the remainder by adding an absorbent material and mixing it in order that the waste be able to pass the paint filter test for disposal at the designated disposal facility.  As some of the drums contained only water and the designated facility would not take the drums of water, AECS contracted with another facility that would take the remaining material as it was and stabilize it at the facility.  The remainder of the drums were loaded and shipped to that facility.


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