Project Experience - Contaminated Soil Disposal

Client: United States Army Corps of Engineers

  Private Client
Location: Ft. Benjamin Harrison, IN
Project Cost:      $210,000

Clearing and Grubbing

Project Description 

AECS was contracted by the US Army Corps of engineers, through one of its 8(a) contractors to excavate, load, transport, and dispose of over 800 tons of lead-contaminated soil from Ft Benjamin Harrison, IN, a US Army installation closing under the Base Realignment and Closure Program.

The project involved laying a grid and excavating the lead-contaminated soil by grid control, stockpiling it and disposing of it.  A stream running through the old firing range was relocated by constructing a new channel. The area was screened for spent ammunition, which was collected and disposed of. The project also required the abandonment of several monitoring wells, demolition and removal of concrete sidewalks, backfill and compaction of excavated areas, and restoration of the construction site (grading, seeding, and mulch).


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